Madison McNeese
How often do we find ourselves envying others, their abilities, looks, or possessions? Without intention in this area it can feel as if it is natural to be discontent with what you have and who you are. Thankfully, this is not how God desires for us to live and has given us many helpful tools through His Word to help us overcome discontentment. One of the first verses that comes to mind is Phillipians 4:11. Paul wrote these words while he was in prison and they say, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” How convicting that these words were penned by a man imprisoned for his faith. Typically, when I remind myself of Paul’s circumstances, my circumstances seem a lot less difficult.
As women, our mindset plays a vital role in our lives.
Our viewpoint towards a task or a person greatly affects how we handle ourselves and treat others.
Our mindset holds a tight grasp on how we live through whatever phase of life we are in -- whether we will have a heart and mind of gratitude or one of discontentment.
This past May, I married my best friend, and I am so thankful the Lord gave me a spiritually strong husband in a world where so many are falling away. The months prior to our wedding, I was living in NJ, attending Bible college, serving at my church in MD on the weekends, and planning our wedding in my spare time. During that season it was very easy for my desire of the future to be greater than my contentment in the moment. In that season of life, the Lord began working on my mindset toward my circumstances and more specifically my contentment in those circumstances.
A verse the Lord used to help correct my mindset towards each moment/day was Proverbs 27:1 which states, “Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Any time I would find myself discontent I would quote this verse. It is a great reminder to do your best in each moment and find purpose in every hour because we are not promised tomorrow. The second half of that verse says, “... for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Those words are also a great reminder that each day brings unique opportunities. We never know all that God has for us and what He is preparing us for.
Wherever you find yourself in life, I encourage you to find contentment in the Scriptures for where God has you right now and who He has placed around you.
God has purpose for all of us everyday, we just have to be willing to see our season through His eyes.