Loving Jesus in the Little Years
Rebekah McGilligan
Anyone who knows Rebekah knows she is beyond thrilled to be a mother! She puts her all into the God given responsibility of being a mom and a keeper of the home. These thoughts are incredible for not only Mom’s, but also for anyone who is looking to have a strong, consistent walk with God.
This will come as no surprise, but the devil has set the world on fire and is desperately trying to consume our homes.
As the world swirls in fiery, angry bands around us, our homes need to be fortresses secured in the Word of God and unfazed by the angst of our society.
How do we do that? How do we build a firm, secure home? Where does that start? It starts with Mom spending time with God.
If you're not a mom, stay with me. I’m going to specifically address mamas of small children, but the principles I’ll hit on can apply to any person in any lifestage.
Moms of littles, I can see you now sleep-deprived and frazzled. Your dishes and laundry are competing in height. The baby needs to be fed and changed. The toddler is dumping and destroying. Your school-aged children need piano practice, homework help, and yet another snack. You're juggling a husband, house-keeping, mothering, ministry, and perhaps homeschool or a side-business—your task-lists, hands, and hearts are full to overflowing.
As a result, finding time to love Jesus may have moved to the bottom of your “to do” list or perhaps it's buried under that pile of laundry.
“How?” you ask, “How can I love Jesus during the messy, busy, exhausted season of motherhood?”
Spending time with Jesus. Easier said than done, right? I know. Stay with me, I’d like to give you a few ways to love Jesus right now in the middle of messy motherhood.
Bible Reading
I know you’re tired, but your relationship with Jesus and the spiritual condition of your home and family is too important to sacrifice on the altar of sleep.
Make it a priority. When are you at your best? Early morning, naptime, before bed? Find out and give that time to Jesus.
In contradiction, when you’re tired, rest. “He giveth his beloved sleep.” God will not be angry with you for resting when you need it. No one gets brownie points for barely functioning because they martyred themselves to get out of bed. Pride can easily sneak its way in here. If you need some extra sleep, take it. Find another moment in the day to spend with Jesus.
If your brain is too foggy to comprehend what you're reading, listen to the Bible. The Youversion App has an audible function. Grab your headphones, and let the Word literally speak to your heart.
One thing that has helped me love Jesus through the little years is studying the Bible in manageable bite-sized portions. While reading the Bible through in a year is a worthy goal, the little years may not be the best time to do that. The goal is to get a hold of Jesus. Jesus can feel far away when you’re zombing your way through four chaptersa day in a lifestage when you can barely remember if you brushed your teeth.
Remember. This is just a season. You will sleep eventually, and one day you’ll find you have the margin to spend more time with Jesus.
The great thing about prayer is that it goes with you. Your brain may feel like it jumped ship, but I promise it’s still there.
Praying through the little years takes a spiritual awareness, a shifting of your thoughts from yourself to God.
Create a prayer list. Keep that list near you and near to your heart.
Pray scripture over your children. Curate verses that highlight truths or behavior you wish to see in your kids and pray those verses back to God.
Pray your day. My mom once told me she prayed for my dad while ironing his dress shirts for work. I have a strong aversion to ironing so the concept falls a little flat, but the principle remains. Pray over your family while meeting their needs. The ordinary details of your life are worship when done in service for the Lord. (I Corinthians 10:31)
Fill your home with spiritual music. It’s as simple as that. Play upbeat music in the morning to get sluggish little (and grown!) bodies going. Play soft, instrumental hymns to settle everyone down for dinner and bedtime. Crank the worship music to blaring while running errands.
We are commanded to “Sing unto the Lord.” A desire of mine is that my children remember seeing their mom praise Jesus through song, not only at church on Sunday, but also while doing ordinary things in the middle of the week.
God inhabits praise. Wherever praise is offered, Jesus will meet you there.
Motherhood Is Sanctifying
Jesus loves me, and Jesus loves to show me how much I need Him through my relationships with my children. When I correct my children’s disobedience, I am reminded of my own rebellious heart. Their attitude is usually a direct response to mine. My pride and selfishness are revealed when I become angry with my children, not for disobeying God’s law, but for not immediately falling in line with mine. Too often I’ve idolized my time, sleep, and a clean house at the expense of my children.
Motherhood has taught me to humble myself, get down eye-to-eye with my little one and say, “Mom was wrong. She lost her temper. She should not have done that. It did not make Jesus happy. Will you forgive me?” Their mercy, grace, and forgiveness reflects the Savior’s when they throw their littles arms around my neck, kiss my check, and say, “Yes, I forgive you!”
Motherhood is humbling, and mother is sanctifying.
There are so many more ways to love Jesus through the little years. Taking a walk in nature; listening to podcasts, sermons, and audiobooks; serving God together as a family (please make church a priority!); fellowshipping with other Jesus-loving mamas-it is possible. You do not have to sacrifice your relationship with Jesus during the little years. These years are vital to the spiritual health of your family.
The devil wants to destroy your home, but he has no power over those who stay connected to Jesus.
If you’re not a mom, and you’ve stayed with me, thank you. I pray that these ideas will help you wherever you are right now, and in the future.
Dear Mama, Jesus loves you! He wants you to be near to you. Connect with him today!